Author: Barbara Rompala

Beech Tree Leaf Disease

Beech leaf disease (BLD) is a new and emerging forest threat, first observed in the United States in 2012 in Ohio. Since then, the disease has spread east and to the north and south and now can be found across New England. BLD symptoms have been observed in native American beech trees—as well as European […]

Protect young trees from deer damage

Besides proper maintenance, such as weeding, watering and pruning, there is another important key to the successful survival and growth of newly planted trees. It is protection! As they establish strong roots, chunks and branches and developed foliage, young trees are very vulnerable to DEER damage. Of course, extreme weather conditions and property disturbance in […]

Over 1000 trees planted in Marple

The Marple Tree Commission (MTC) has facilitated the planting of more than 1000 trees in town over the past 16 years. About 500 are located in our eight Township parks, along roadsides and on school campuses and are maintained by MTC volunteers. Another 500 or so through our Re-Leaf Marple Program, are located on residential […]